Dozens of well-known car brands are planning to expand into the electric car market. According to Yamaha, there are alternative technologies that allow not only to achieve zero emissions, but also to increase engine efficiency. Most recently, the Japanese company showed the concept of a motorcycle, which is powered by a liquid drive.

Back in 2016, Yamaha became a sponsor of a research project, which eventually grew into the concept of a liquid-powered motorcycle. According to the information received, the Japanese manufacturer intends to release the first working prototype. Yamaha also showed a conceptual model of the bike, talking about the principle of the new technology.

The main idea is to replace the bulky chain drive with thin tubes of water. It is assumed that the fluid will be able to rotate the drive wheel with the help of the impeller. The water is driven by an electric pump and circulates in a closed system. If desired, you can use any liquid suitable for physical and chemical characteristics.

Earlier, the Australian company Azaris has already shown a similar technology with an efficiency of 98%, but due to various problems was unable to enter the commercial market. It was then claimed that the liquid drive had instantaneous torque and was compatible with different types of motors. Perhaps Yamaha has solved the main problems of the technology, which will create a working prototype of a liquid-powered bike.

Source: Dozens of well-known car brands are planning to expand into the electric car market. According to Yamaha, there are alternative technologies that allow not only to achieve zero emissions, but also to increase engine efficiency. Most recently, the Japanese company showed the concept of a motorcycle, which is powered by a liquid drive.

Back in 2016, Yamaha became a sponsor of a research project, which eventually grew into the concept of a liquid-powered motorcycle. According to the information received, the Japanese manufacturer intends to release the first working prototype. Yamaha also showed a conceptual model of the bike, talking about the principle of the new technology.

The main idea is to replace the bulky chain drive with thin tubes of water. It is assumed that the fluid will be able to rotate the drive wheel using the impeller. The water is driven by an electric pump and circulates in a closed system. If desired, you can use any liquid suitable for physical and chemical characteristics.

Earlier, the Australian company Azaris has already shown a similar technology with an efficiency of 98%, but due to various problems was unable to enter the commercial market. It was then claimed that the liquid drive had instantaneous torque and was compatible with different types of motors. Perhaps Yamaha has solved the main problems of the technology, which will create a working prototype of a liquid-powered bike.


19/05/2020 2210
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