Xiaomi partner Haylou has unveiled a new smartwatch that, at a price of less than $60, is comparable in performance and capabilities to more expensive models of well-known brands. Among the key features, the manufacturer highlights increased battery life.

Haylou RS4 Plus features a 1.78-inch AMOLED display, IP68 water resistance and is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. According to the manufacturer, the built-in 230 mAh battery provides up to 10 days of work without recharging in active use or up to 40 days in standby mode.

The watch supports more than a hundred sports modes, is able to track the concentration of oxygen in the blood, heart rate and blood pressure. They have a built-in thermometer, force and gravity sensors, and a pedometer. Also, the device counts the consumption of calories and can be used to remotely control the camera on your smartphone.

The gadget in black, silver and gold colors is sold with silicone straps with a magnetic clasp. The cost of Haylou RS4 Plus on AliExpress and other sites is just under $60.

Источник: 4pda

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